Ralphsmith Communications is behind new work for Sportsbet that will run across TV, radio and online.
Clingy girlfriends. 1% battery left on your mobile.For punters trying to get a bet on, it doesn’t get much worse – but the nightmare is over. Online bookmaker sportsbet.com.au, through its mobile betting app, has made placing a wager on your mobile phone Faster-er, Easier-er and Better-er than ever before.
Sportsbet’s latest campaign ‘Faster-er. Easier-er. Better-er’ hit the nation’s airwaves today with the ads illustrating how punters can overcome some of life’s annoying realities to easily and quickly get a bet on via the new Sportsbet mobile app.
Engaging the services of Ralphsmith Communications, the campaign will run across TV, radio and online platforms for a period of nine weeks.
Sportsbet’s General Manager of Marketing Luke Waldren said: “More than 70% of our customers use our mobile app to place a bet and that trend is picking up speed, not slowing. We’ve all been out for a romantic dinner where you’re supposed to stay interested and don’t have the time to get a bet on that night’s footy game. With the speed and ease of the new app we’ve come to every man’s rescue.”