Ward6 have launched a campaign for natural market place store, Aboutlife.
The chain has just launched a new store in Double Bay, Sydney.
As part of the campaign to demonstrate how fresh its produce actually is, a live dairy cow was lead through the area’s high class streets with a sign “fresh milk from about life” emblazoned on it.
The campaign also includes outdoor, suburban press and targeted social media.
Jodie Stewart, founder said: “The clever, original thinking that Ward6 provided really made a huge impact on the most important store launch in our company history.”
- Agency: Ward6
- Creative Director: Hugh Fitzhardinge
- Creative Director: Grant Foster
- Art Director: Brooke Harvey
- Writer: Dan O’Bey
- Strategic Planner: Tom McGillick
- Senior Account Director: Andrew Grey
- Account Co-ordinator: Courtney Lovell
- Client: Aboutlife Natural Marketplace