To be fair to the Border Mail’s sub-editors it is difficult to spot, however, a testicle has appeared in both its print and online editions causing the inevitable storm among readers.
The Fairfax owned Albury-Wodonga newspaper has been forced into damage control after the end of season photo of the local AFL team the Albury Tigers showed one of the players to have a beer in one hand and, what appeared to be, his accoutrements in the other (we’ll let you find it in the photo below).
The story was about the retirement of the team’s coach Daniel Maher and ran with the caption: “There was no wiping the smiles off the faces of the Tigers on Monday afternoon.” has reported that angry readers had taken to the paper’s Facebook page to register their disquiet over the scrotum. However, when B&T checked for the page it appeared to have been taken down. The image has also been removed from the digital version of the story.