Helen Henry

Leading CBAA's communications strategy and activities, with a mission to represent, advocate and promote the Australian community broadcasting sector at a national level, and to support member stations to operate independent, diverse and accessible community media services that reflect the interests of their local communities. Let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to start... yes, I'm a sucker for a little Sound Of Music)... I was the kid grew up singing songs from Disney movies and sat in her booster seat singing along to the Stones. I did the whole family band thing, and was confused when all of my friends didn't have live bands at their birthday parties. A Bachelor of Communication and insatiable desire to learn about the music industry's most exciting & innovate companies later and I was fostering digital media relationships, producing content and managing communities for Australia's largest record label, Universal Music. Specialities: communication strategy, digital PR & media relations, social media strategy, social media content planning & production, community management, on-ground promotions management.
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