Proving you either love ’em or you hate ’em when it comes to shopping at ALDI comes this new campaign from BMF that attempts to use the believers to convert the non-believers.
The ads attempt to dispel the myths around the German-owned budget chain. Will they have any Australian-made stuff? Isn’t it all cheap packaged goods? Is it worth the savings? And of course the question on everyone’s lips…why is there everything from ski gear to cement mixers along with the groceries?
“Answering those barriers ourselves wasn’t enough,” said BMF’s planing director Ali Tilling. “We wanted to use the genuine passion that exists for ALDI – a rare thing for any brand, let alone a supermarket – to challenge doubters to give us a go. Thousands of ALDI fans answered our Facebook call-out, nominating themselves and a ‘sceptic’ friend, relative or partner for the challenge. We chose a fan-sceptic pair from NSW, Queensland and Victoria.”