Adhesive PR has announced it has boosted its client roster with the addition of KitchenAid as a retained client across Australia and New Zealand.
Building its client portfolio in the consumer technology and home appliance category, the agency secured the KitchenAid retainer following recent project work that launched the powerful Pro Line Series Blender and the new Artisan® Mini Mixer.
Adhesive PR crafted an ANZ wide campaign titled ‘Pith by Mini’ to launch the Artisan Mini, which picked up a Silver and Bronze Award at the PR Awards Asia 2017 this week, and follows a recent two-award win at Marketing PR Awards 2017.
The Artisan Mini Mixer is designed for inner-city Millennials who want to craft Instagram-worthy dishes with cramped kitchen space.
To appeal to this specific audience, Adhesive PR launched the country’s smallest restaurant (six guests per sitting) called ‘Pith by Mini’ in Sydney’s smallest, award-winning apartment (just 27 square metres).
With a waitlist of over 4,000 people at his former New York-based, Columbia University dorm room-turned-restaurant, Pith, chef of the moment Jonah Reider curated the experience.
The series of pop-up restaurants across Sydney and Auckland allowed the brand to reach 22 million people thanks to social media conversations, branded content seeding and earned media channels.
Richard Babekuhl, marketing director for KitchenAid, said: “We realised that traditional PR alone no longer guarantees conversation and brand loyalty, especially with a Millennial audience.
“The ongoing creativity and dedication from the Adhesive PR team to utilise all facets of the communications landscape is what achieved these amazing results for KitchenAid, seeing a dramatic rise in halo brand awareness ahead of the key Christmas period. We look forward to growing our relationship with Adhesive into the future.”