Australia’s women’s glossies are once again in strife for apparently just making stuff up.
The latest victim is ACA’s Tracy Grimshaw who, the Seven-owned New Idea has claimed, has “extreme diva demands”.
According to the article in Monday’s edition – once again based on the spurious claims of an unnamed “insider” (you can read the online version here) – Grimshaw apparently asked Nine bosses to build her her own secret lift in Nine’s new headquarters (currently under construction in North Sydney) so members of the public wouldn’t see her without make-up.
The article adds that Nine’s new HQ will also be shared with journalists from the Nine-owned The Sydney Morning Herald and Sun-Herald and Grimshaw was concerned she may fall foul of dastardly gossip journos and paparazzi photographers.
The insider revealing: “She (Tracy Grimshaw) sees herself as Nine’s number-one host and behaves accordingly – but, to be fair, Nine execs agree and are more than happy to oblige.
“Tracy arrives at the same time every day like clockwork for production meetings and the hair and makeup process, plus wardrobe fittings in her private dressing room,” the dastardly mole revealed.
However, Grimshaw was having none of it, lashing the magazine’s reporting in a fiery Instagram post calling the claims “absolute crap” and “treating women like absolute morons”.
The 59-year-old penned: “I wouldn’t know anything about the lifts in the new building. Have had zero input, made zero requests.”
Grimshaw added that she often arrived at work without make-up or shopped and caught flights sans any lippy.
“I once did ACA with no hair or makeup in Brisbane after wading through flood waters all day in 100 per cent humidity,” Grimshaw wrote. “A Sunday paper gossip columnist devoted her entire column to how poorly groomed I was.”
When it came to the “wardrobe fittings in her private dressing room” Grimshaw responded: “Have managed to dress myself since I was about 4yo!
“And as for seeing myself as some big star? Spare me,” Grimshaw added.
“The weekly womens mags treat women like morons. Both their readers and those of us they use to sell copies.
“They have to make this stuff up, because none of us will actually talk to them any more. That’s a good business model isn’t it? Lie to your market, and piss off your main source of content.”
The Pac Mags-owned New Idea has not responded to the claims.
It follows last week’s news where the magazine was again lashed by a MAFS contestant after it reported his “wife” had slept with his father. Read B&T’s reporting here.
While last month the Australian Press Council lashed the Bauer-owned Woman’s Day after it ran a cover story claiming Prince Harry and his wife Meghan’s marriage was over, calling it “blatantly incorrect”.