The fifth installment of ‘World of Red Bull’ campaign stars Aussie surfer and Red Bull athlete, Sally Fitzgibbons.
This installment showcases the numerous areas of the World of Red Bull, with hectic sports, stunning landscapes and cultural activities.
The TVC is expected to be pulled across a variety of platforms such as TV, cinema and WebTV, directing traffic towards the campaign’s digital hub.
The online portal gives audiences the chance to explore stories from local and international Red Bull athletes and opinion leaders.
“It's an honour to be a part of the global Red Bull commercial,” Fitzgibbons said.
“There is an incredible amount of talent within the Red Bull team and so many unbelievable moments are created by each and every athlete’s performance. I am constantly inspired by our Red Bull family and this fuels the fire for me to go out and try and take my own performance to the next level."
Agency credits Local creative agency: R/GA Global creative agency: Kastner & Partners International Local media agency: Vizeum Client: Red Bull Australia
Photo credit: Kolesky/Nikon/Red Bull Content Pool