Marie Claire has taken a new approach to self-loving with their new #Whywait initiative.
After learning that most women do not begin to love their body until they’re 45, Marie Claire wanted to try and change this thinking so more woman can learn to love their bodies earlier.
Marie Claire approached ad agencies with a brief of creating an ad that can make women love their bodies now, not later.
The ads produced by six different agencies are heartfelt, dynamic and maybe a little shocking.
The beautiful pudginess of a new baby has many cooing over how cute it is, how adorable its rolls are with its gleaming smile.
However, what we adore in babies we often find unappealing in ourselves.
The ad by OgilvyOne features the image of a gorgeous baby with the text “She’s perfect. Until we teach her otherwise”.
“You’re not born hating your body, it’s something that you’re taught. We wanted to send an optimistic message – that these sorts of learned behaviours can be unlearned,” OglivyOne said on Marie Claire’s website.
Publicis Mojo took a different take on Helen Reddy’s “I am woman, hear me roar” lyrics with “I am woman, hear me ramble” and following on with a list of attributes about their body they don’t like.
M&C Saatchi took inspiration from the social media trend of #nofilter, with the main text of their ad reading #nofilterme.
“Inspired by the social media practice of hashtagging ‘nofilter’ to mark unfiltered photography, we wanted to empower women to get involved and celebrate themselves ‘unfiltered’,” M&C Saatchi said on Marie Claire’s website.
In a confronting image Airbone adopted an image of a young girl on the scales exclaiming “mummy, I want to be just like you”, leaving us with the scary recognition that children can often mimic our behaviour.
Whybin\TBWA’s aim of using a curvaceous variation of the traditional love heart was to be able to talk to everyone, conveying the message “love comes in more than just one shape”.
In a simple yet effective image DDB Group Sydney used the calming effects of a watercolour brush, hinting at the hourglass womanly shape.
“The idea is that there is often a huge distinction between how a woman looks and how she feels, and that your body is more beautiful than you think,” DDB Group Sydney said on Marie Claire’s website.
The Marie Claire initiative invites women of all shapes and sizes to participate, taking a photo of themselves with the #whywait sign and uploading it to social media to help spread the word.
Check out the website here for all ads and more information.
Another campaign trying to make us love ourselves is Dove’s Real Life Sketches that explores how women view their own looks compared to what others see.
The campaign was a response to a survey which showed 54% of women globally say they are their own worst beauty critic, a similarly shocking figure to Marie Claire’s of women not loving their body until they’re 45.