Lleyton Hewitt’s devastating loss to Italy’s Andreas Seppi pulled in 1.06 million viewers to Seven, however it wasn’t enough to beat out Nine.
This tension filled four-hour and eighteen minute match wasn’t enough for Seven to grab the top spot again after Monday night’s win with Serena William’s match against Novak Djokavic.
Nine scraped into top place on Tuesday night, managing to score 27% total combined share, just 1% higher than Seven.
Leonard and Raj’s Vegas trip to cheer up a heartbroken Howard helped Nine scrape through to the win, with the hit comedy being in the top ten of most watched programs last night.
It seemed most people stayed on for the second episode of The Big Bang Theory on Nine from 8-8.30pm with just under 800,000 viewers tuning into the repeat of the show.
The crime show from the UK, New Tricks, from 8.30-9.30 on ABC1 helped the ABC come in third place among the channels with a total of 21%, surpassing Ten.
Ten came in third with a total of 19.3%, with Ten’s Eyewitness News pulling in the most viewers for the channel.
SBS came in fifth with a total of 6.8% where unfortunately none of its programs making the top twenty most viewed shows last night.