Out-of-Home’s (OOH’s) reach has increased by 30 million total daily contacts, according to the Measurement of Outdoor Visibility and Exposure (MOVE) system, the Outdoor Media Association has revealed.
MOVE, which will launch its 2013 data update to the market on Wednesday 13 March, shows a 9% increase in total daily contacts measured by the system, 385 million up from 351 million in 2012.
This increase of 30 million total daily contacts measured by MOVE is a result of a number of updates to data within the system including market changes, population changes and changes to signage.
“We cracked the half billion revenue mark in 2012 for the first time as an industry, that is close to 2% growth in a very volatile market and having MOVE confirm that our audiences are growing is an added boost to our plans to grow market share this year,” said Charmaine Moldrich CEO of MOVE.
“With these new numbers from MOVE, we’re seeing an accurate reflection of the change in the market place and consumer behaviour, and we are poised to capitalise on this.”
MOVE’s growth is the consequence of three factors: market changes, population changes and signage changes.
Market changes represent 3% of the new total daily contacts and account for changes to roads as well as public transport timetables and routes.
Population changes contributed 3.5% of the increase after the Zenith Travel Model within MOVE was updated to include the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census 2011 information.
Signage changes contributed the final 2.5% increase in total daily contacts. OOH inventory has been updated to account for changes to size, location, orientation, digital conversion and lighting.
Besides the increases in total daily contacts, the recent government Household Travel Survey (HTS) has provided further insight into people’s travel habits. Social and recreational trips now make up the bulk of trips. The HTS also documents the fact that people are travelling 3.4% further.
Overlaid with the ABS national population growth rate of 2.8% and there are more and more people out of home all the time.
The new MOVE results suggest people are likely to see 25 OOH advertisements on average each day.
“With consumers increasingly spending their time on the move, we’re responding as an industry by embracing innovation of all types. OOH offers an exciting mix of inventory from billboards to street furniture, transport to retail advertising faces, with the ability to introduce technology and help consumers consume media the way they choose when they’re out and about,” said Moldrich.
MOVE enables advertisers to measure these audiences with accuracy and proves that their OOH schedule delivers on reach and frequency.
“Since launching MOVE three years ago we have been constantly updating the system and refining the software so that users, agencies and advertisers are able to get data that is accurate and relevant in this fast paced media market,” said Moldrich.