Boutique music and sound agency Noise has launched a new campaign through M&C Saatchi to promote its inter-agency ping-pong tournament called Ping-Pong by Noise.
At the centre of the campaign is an app called ‘Noiseboard’ which features 27 sound-bytes for a range of situations relevant to all creatives.
The entire website is created programatically in HTML5 with the 2D Canvas, with no traditional graphics. Whenever a soundbyte is played, it animates a Noise logo – a process generated completely by the browser, using the Web Audio API in real-time.
The design builds on the core principle of Noise’s recent visual identity launch where sound was used to produce the company’s new personalised ‘Soundflake’ logos.
The site is launched with a video called ‘A Day in Creative’, animated by Resolution. The animations have been created to respond to a rich bed of original music and sound effects by Noise, and a Lee Perry voiceover, comprising all the sound-bytes on the Noiseboard itself.
The website also works on mobile as an app, but the desktop version is where a user can register for Ping-Pong by Noise 2013.
The tournament itself, supported by event partners Table Tennis World, Four Pines Brewing and The Catering Department, will be held over three consecutive Thursday nights in April, and will see agency creatives, designers and producers battle it out to be crowned adland’s Ping-Pong Champions.
Teams will compete for cash prizes for the winners and runners up, with the winners also taking home the coveted Ping-Pong By Noise trophy which has resided at reigning champions Leo Burnett’s since the last tournament.
View the video and app at