Wake Up’s Tash, Tarsh and Matho has been slashed to Tarsh and Matho, but giving Natasha Exelby the boot won’t do much more than cut Ten’s costs, according to one media analyst.
Less than three weeks ago Wake Up debuted to an audience of 52,000 viewers, narrowly beating the first outing of Ten’s last breakfast foray. But Wake Up’s ratings have quickly slid below those of the axed Breakfast, dropping to 28,000 in its second week.
Yesterday’s axing of Exelby is evidence that Ten’s confidence in the program, created by Adam Boland, is “waning” according to Fusion Strategy’s Steve Allen.
“Ten know they are in trouble. This is just a simple symptom that Wake Up is not working.”
In yesterday’s announcement Boland admitted the show is not yet right.
“I have said repeatedly that chemistry is everything at breakfast and, right now, I don’t think the balance is correct. It’s up to producers to fix those things.”
However, Allen is not convinced giving Exelby the flick will solve the shows issues.
Asked if her exit will help at all Allen said: “Not much, but lowers their busyness on air, and their costs.”
“Tarsh is the shining star. Matho still looks like a rabbit in the spotlight,” he added.
Based on Wake Up's first broadcast Allen said that while he had "little bugs and concerns" he was confident they could be fixed. To see his full first review of the program and Studio 10 click here.