A night without My Kitchen Rules allowed Nine to grab the top spot last night, beating out Seven.
Decorating and construction reality TV show The Block helped bring victory to Nine with 1.07 million viewers as Nine’s news was the only show to grab more (1.077 million).
Home and Away continues to prove popular, coming in as the sixth most watched show from Thursday night, raking in 870,000 people.
Seven came in second with a total combined share of 24.4%, a massive drop from 33.1% from Wednesday night.
Ten’s coverage of Sochi managed to come in tenth in the top 20 programs, with only a 0.6% share less than Seven.
The men’s ski slopestyle final brought in 700,000 viewers for Ten, according to OzTam preliminary metro ratings.
ABC came fourth with a total share of 17%, and SBS trailed behind with 4.3%.