Outspoken lamb-lover Sam Kekovich has branded New South Wales the nation’s most un-Australian state for failing the National Lamb Test.
Kekovich, ‘Lambassador’ for Meat and Livestock Australia’s (MLA) annual Australia Day push, said NSW recorded the highest level of “unAustralianism” on the test.
Almost 40% of NSW participants failed the test with Queensland not far behind in the “unAustralianism” stakes.
“This is a clear sign of patriotism gone wrong,” Kekovich said.
“Those people up north need to get some lamb on the Barbie stat, or before you it they’ll be chiming in with the Barmy Army at our next Ashes Test!”
The most Australian state according to the test is the Northern Territory.
“They must have lamb in every household up there and nothing makes me prouder,” added Kekovich.
More than 90,000 people have taken the National Lamb Test so far with MLA declaring Kekovich’s crusade to “stamp out Lambnesia quicker than a season of The Shire” on track.
The test, launched as part the ‘Lambnesia’ campaign, shows users a range of images, some of which are quintessentially Australian and some of which are not. Players are asked to label the images in order to generate their ‘Australian-ness’ score.
Images used included a lamb chop, a pair of thongs and Ayers Rock. A tattoo of the Southern Cross threw off players with many apparently “incorrectly thinking this was an Aussie thing to do”.