Havas has lost its top creative Steve Coll to rival Sydney agency Droga5.
The appointment of the much-awarded Coll comes in the same week Droga5 lost its Woolworths account to Leo Burnett.
Coll is widely thought of as the driving force behind Havas Australia’s focus on digital and PR led campaigns with the successful Virgin Mobile ‘Fair Go Bro’ and Durex’s Fundawear campaigns key examples.
In January this year Coll was named Havas’ global ‘Person of the Year’.
In a statement Havas Worldwide Australia chief executive Anthony Gregorio said that while Coll has been a “big part of our renaissance”, it was a team effort.
“Our mantra has always been based around team effort, and our success has been achieved through the group working closely together to deliver the very best for our clients,” Gregorio said.
“We have a hugely talented creative department, including some of the brightest young stars out there, and have a proven track record in winning major awards (including Campaign Brief NSW Agency of the Year), and are reaping commercial success.”
For more on the news of Coll’s move to Droga5 click here.
Gregorio’s statement is in full below:
“The whole of Havas wishes Steve well in his new role. He’s a very talented guy and he will be missed. But, as you know in this industry, people come and go all the time, and that’s life.
Whilst Steve has been a big part of our renaissance, our mantra has always been based around team effort, and our success has been achieved through the group working closely together to deliver the very best for our clients.
We have a hugely talented creative department, including some of the brightest young stars out there, and have a proven track record in winning major awards (including Campaign Brief NSW Agency of the Year), and are reaping commercial success.
Havas Worldwide is a very attractive proposition right now and we are already getting interest from some of the best creative talent in the market. Havas is constantly looking to evolve, develop and improve and deliver disruptive and memorable work. We will be looking for an ECD that can continue with us on this path and slip straight into a strong team that is kicking goals.”