Fairfax have issued a statement regarding the 24 hour strike saying they are “disappointed that some journalists have chosen to take this unlawful action”.
The strike occurred yesterday after the announcement that up to 70 editorial jobs would be slashed by the end of the year.
The statement reads:
SYDNEY, 7 May, 2014: Fairfax Media Limited [ASX: FXJ] advises that some journalists from The Age, The Australian Financial Review, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Canberra Times, The Newcastle Herald and The Illawarra Mercury are taking unprotected industrial action.
The company will continue to publish across print and digital as usual.
The action follows an announcement of proposed changes involving approximately 70 FTEs in Sydney and Melbourne working in Editorial Production, Life Media and Photographic areas of the company’s Australian Publishing Media division.
The company is disappointed that some journalists have chosen to take this unlawful action.
The company had commenced a meaningful consultation process about the proposed changes and has planned further briefings with affected employees and their representatives.”
Around 4pm yesterday Twitter erupted with Tweets and photos from the strike, with workplace editor at The Sydney Morning Herald Anna Patty Tweeting “Fairfax Sydney journos vote 159 to 1 to go out on strike for 24 hours from now” (Tweeted at 3.59pm May 7, 2014).
Read more about the strike here.