Before Peters Ice Cream and Leo Burnett Melbourne teamed up to create the HangryMan campaign, the iconic Maxibon ice-cream was not suited to on-the-go snacking.
The Handyman is a portable esky designed to keep ice-creams from melting, so that ‘hangry’ (a combination of hungry and angry) men can eat Maxibons anywhere, anytime.
“It would be great to see the Hangryman pop up at barbeques, sporting events and construction sites around the country, becoming a branded talking point amongst blokes. We see this idea being bigger than a run-of-the-mill promotion”’ said Emma-Jane Collins, Head of Marketing at Peters Ice Cream.
The miniature portable esky, intended to be clipped onto a belt, has been pitched to Australia’s Hangrymen in an info-commercial inspired parody hosted by two everyday blokes.
“It’s a tough ask turning an ice cream into a genuine snacking brand. The Hangryman’s been devised to improve the consumer’s experience with the brand by having a very real and genuine purpose. It’s a tangible physical product that blokes can use and re-use,” said Leo Burnett ECD Jason Williams.
The campaign will run online as well as though outdoor, radio and POS channels.