To show its support for International Women's Day, Bauer has showcased the strength of its female leadership team. Here's the release:
To mark International Women's Day, Bauer Media Group global publisher, Yvonne Bauer today called for stronger support for women in management positions. Bauer Media Group's people policy, she said, is firmly grounded on principles of equality, and has proved to be very successful: "Women in top jobs do fantastic work here,” she added. "They make a decisive contribution to the success of our international media company."
"Equality for our people means that there are no barriers to progression within Bauer." Any member of staff – whether male or female – with the right ambition has an equal opportunity to pursue a career at Bauer, she ventured. And the figures back this up. The proportion of female managers working for Bauer Media Group worldwide is 43 per cent. In Australia the figure jumps to 60%. Bauer Media is a great place for women who want a career where they make their own decisions and make things happen.
Strong Women at the Top
On a global level 53 per cent of Bauer Media Group’s editorial management positions are occupied by women. In Australia the figure is 65 per cent which includes consumer editorial staff working across print and digital, as well as our female publishers and editorial staff in Bauer Custom Media and Bauer Trader Media.
As well as being well represented and highly competent in the editorial department, Bauer women are successful across a broad range of skills including finance, advertising, marketing, retail sales, communications, human resources, digital, operations, distribution, circulation, business support, production, research, events and many more fields. At the same time Bauer’s senior women occupy an important position as role models and mentors to their younger female colleagues.
Many of our female staff are also actively involved in community groups and women’s networks where they are often asked to speak on issues that are important to women. Last but not least, Bauer women assume social responsibility roles on behalf of the company for charitable organisations, government initiatives and humanitarian projects.