Loving our game of 20 Questions With? Good news! Today we’re once again dishing out the goods with another cracking chat.
Today we’re talking to Cummins&Partners creative director Sarah McGregor and asking her the hard questions, like whether she replaces the office milk and her go-to karaoke song. Sarah was awarded this year’s Creative award.
20 QUESTIONS WITH Sarah McGregor
- Best thing about winning a B&T Women In Media Award?
Knowing that every time someone wins a B&T Women in Media Award, we’re moving a little closer to the day we won’t need Women in Media Awards.
- Where’s your trophy?
It’s on my desk, looking a teeny bit worse for wear from the journey home in my suitcase – not from the after-party, I promise.
- How many trophies do you now have in your trophy cabinet?
Ooh… a few nowadays, but they’re all decorating the receptions of the various agencies I’ve worked at. I don’t get to keep them sadly.
- One thing you’d do to change your industry for the better?
Encourage more women to come back (and stay) after having children – especially in creative departments.
- What makes you mad?
Inequality, inertia, injustice. The power of creativity however, is it can turn getting mad into getting even.
- What makes you happy?
The infectious thrill and momentum of a great idea.
- How would colleagues describe you?
Determined. Enthusiastic. Supportive. A ruthless murderer of exclamation marks.
- How would you describe your colleagues?
Just the best – scary smart, funny, modest, kind. They are unicorns of colleagues.
- Favourite industry hero?
Esther Clerehan. A doyen of wisdom, and selfless dispenser of advice to so many in this industry, myself included.
- Your one career regret?
My Art Director and I were once knocked back from a job in London many moons ago with the line “Sorry, but we already have a girl team…” I often lay awake, workshopping a better response than the stunned silence I deployed at the time.
- Your biggest career tip?
Embrace the hustle, forever – there’s no one moment where you can stop, relax and say “This is it now; I’ve made it”. You have to keep moving, pushing, growing.
- Best stress reliever?
When I reach my front door at night, I can hear my little boy running down the corridor shouting “Mummy! Mummy!” – everything just melts away in that moment.
- Dream holiday destination?
The Brando, French Polynesia (post Powerball win).
- The one book you’d recommend?
The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt – she is a devastatingly beautiful writer.
- If you weren’t doing this what would you be doing?
I think I would have gone into journalism, maybe radio.
- Where will you be in 10 years’ time?
See question 12.
- The one technology you just don’t understand?
I find most ultra new tech challenging to get my head around. Luckily I’m not afraid to ask dumb questions.
- Your most embarrassing media addiction?
The bitchy brilliance of Fashion Critical.
- Go-to karaoke song?
‘We built this city’ by Starship. Ugh.
- Do you replace the milk in the staff fridge?
I don’t have to. We get free milk here. Free …Oh the perks.