Sad all the coverage from B&T Women in Media Awards is done and dusted? Ha! Gotcha. Think again – we’re not nearly done celebrating all the incredible women across the media industry – especially our winners.
We decided to play a quick game of ’20 Questions With’ each of our award recipients. Today we asked Carat’s head of strategy Danni Wright the hard questions, like whether she replaces the office milk and her go-to karaoke song. Danni was awarded this year’s strategy award.
20 questions with danni wright
1. Best thing about winning a B&T Women In Media Award?
Being forced to take a moment to stop and reflect on the last couple of years!
2. Where’s your trophy?
On the windowsill, doubling up as a bookend…handy.
3. How many trophies do you now have in your trophy cabinet?
4. One thing you’d do to change your industry for the better?
Reintegrate media and creative.
5. What makes you mad?
When I don’t understand something!
6. What makes you happy?
Learning….if you aren’t learning you are dying as far as I’m concerned (I realise how intense that sounds!)
7. How would colleagues describe you?
Focused, but vulnerable to dog based distraction.
8. How would you describe your colleagues?
A group of bloody decent human beings.
9. Favourite industry hero?
My Aussie agency heros are Nic Taylor, Katie Rigg Smith and Chiquita King.
10. Your one career regret?
I don’t have one…yet….
11. Your biggest career tip?
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
12. Best stress reliever?
Cuddling my dogs.
13. Dream holiday destination?
The Maldives.
14. The one book you’d recommend?
This is London by Ben Judah.
15. If you weren’t doing this what would you be doing?
An undercover FBI agent- mainly because I often get mistaken for a teenager!
16. Where will you be in 10 years’ time?
Hopefully still doing something that I care about, that’s evolving me as a person, and that makes me feel like I am making a positive contribution.
17. The one technology you just don’t understand?
Our TV at home! I literally rely on my fiancé to turn it on and work it every night. If she isn’t in, I literally am stuck watching Netflix on the iPad!
18. Your most embarrassing media addiction?
Watching really bad reality TV like Love Island, Siesta Key, and the Batchelor. Despite being enraged by the heteronormative culture they perpetuate, they fascinate me.
19. Go-to karaoke song?
Britney Spears – Hit Me Baby One More Time – ALL DAY!
20. Do you replace the milk in the staff fridge?
We are spoilt – we have free and seemingly endless milk at Carat!