Sad all the coverage from B&T Women in Media Awards is done and dusted? Ha! Gotcha. Think again – we’re not nearly done celebrating all the incredible women across the media industry – especially our winners.
We decided to play a quick game of ’20 Questions With’ each of our award recipients, starting with the “potty-mouthed” (her words, not ours!) Bec Brideson. Bec runs her own company, helping businesses move to the next level by showing them how to use a gender lens to drive greater profitability, innovation and growth. She was awarded this years’ Champion of Change.
20 Questions with Bec Brideson
1. Best thing about winning a B&T Women in Media award?
Knowing that there are people in our industry who support the rise of women and embrace change that is sorely needed.
2. Where’s your trophy?
In my living room bookcase. My daughters are vicariously very proud of them.
3. How many trophies do you now have in your trophy cabinet?
About 47 – but who’s counting? I do not have a cabinet… they are stuffed in a cupboard somewhere.
4. One thing you’d do to change your industry for the better?
Help more women start their own business and get clients to open their procurement strategies to support them.
5. What makes you mad?
The Weinsteins in advertising who have no accountability. Injustices that our legal system is not dealing with. That more women don’t start agencies.
6. What makes you happy?
My family and my friends. I also love great ideas, intelligent thinking and clever people.
7. How would colleagues describe you?
Hard working, high energy and potty-mouthed.
8. How would you describe your colleagues?
Hard working, high energy and extremely clever. And kind.
9. Favourite industry hero?
Cindy Gallop.
10. Your one career regret?
Not starting my own agency at 25.
11. Your biggest career tip?
Get the right mentors and supporters and always work on your personal and professional growth. Never. Stop. Learning.
12. Best stress reliever?
A brain stimulating podcast whilst I do an intense workout. And oh – a glass of wine and good debrief with my girlfriends.
13. Dream holiday destination?
Anywhere in Europe in spring.
14. The one book you’d recommend?
That’s not fair. I love all books equally but – “Blindspots: how to leverage the fastest growing economy” is a must read. Or Steven Pressfields “The War of Art” – for anyone trying to write their own book.
15. If you weren’t doing this what would you be doing?
My side-hustle – stay tuned. Coming soon.
16. Where will you be in 10 years’ time?
Same “purpose” – different project.
Also – my kids will be teens/young adults in university…so maybe my husband and I will get a honeymoon and I’ll be in Europe in spring taking a well-earned sabbatical…
17. The one technology you just don’t understand?
The speed of the NBN.
18. Your most embarrassing media addiction?
Podcast addicted – listen to them constantly.
19. Go-to karaoke song?
I will never sing in public. You can thank me for that.
20. Do you replace the milk in the staff fridge?
Yes! And I wash the tea towels on weekends.